Horoscope Of The Day
Ganesha predicts that the family will have a great and pleasant atmosphere this week. You will thus take great care to decorate and embellish your house. Dealing with capital investments and work pertaining to foreign nations, however, could take longer. One will need to use caution in such a circumstance. Health will continue to be wonderful and better than it was. However, a lot of effort will be required to solve the issues that are cropping up in associated work and business. A bond will form between the spouse and their offspring. However, the stars will once more offer the gift of capital investment and the completion of tasks pertaining to foreign nations in the middle of the week.
However, there will be hesitancy once more in the final days of the week regarding religion, almsgiving, and means of subsistence. Thus, exercise bravery and patience.

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AstroSage Kundli is a Kundli Software. You can generate your Kundali which is also called Birth Chart, Natal Chart or Vedic Horoscope. You can also get Horoscope Matching, Horoscope, Rashifal, Hindu Calendar (Panchang) & much more in this astrology app absolutely FREE.
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- * Panchang: Daily Panchang & Muhurat, Hora, Rahu Kaal,
Choghadiya, Hindu Calendar with Festivals, Do Ghati Muhurat (Abhijit Muhurat, Vijay Muhurta etc.)
Horoscope Matching: Kundali Matching (Ashtakoota Guna Milap or 36 Points Match)
Horoscope 2022 & Calendar 2022
Daily rashifal, monthly rashiphal, rashifal 2022, daily rasi palan and rasi palangal 2022
Learn astrology – text and video tutorials and astrology lessons
Large city atlas with thousands of cities, and Google Maps Support for finding city latitude and longitude
GPS support for Prashna Kundli (Horary Charts) and Time Charts
Store thousands of horoscopes that can be viewed at anytime, anywhere.
North and South Indian chart style
Automatic DST correction
Choice of Lahiri (Chitrapaksha), Raman, KP, and Sayan ayanamsa.
HINDI, English, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam & Bengali languages
Support for AstroSage Cloud so that chart saved on Mobile can be opened from AstroSage.com and vice versa
Double touch to show planet degrees on the chart (shows degree inside chart in case of tablets)
Tajik Varshfal (Solar Return with Muntha)
Jaimini Astrology: Char Dasha, Karakamsha & Swamsha
Lal Kitab: chart, varshfal, prediction for planet in each house, remedies, kundli type like dharmi teva, andha teva, ratandh teva etc. and much more.
Colored chart
User friendly UI with flipping screens
Option for exporting chart, emailing chart or sending it via Bluetooth. Saved chart can be printed later.
Moon sign calculator, sun sign calculator, love compatibility calculator and more.
This software for astrology was specifically created with portability and instantaneous computations in mind. For instance, you can cast your horoscope while moving and instantly determine the ruling planet at any given moment. Ephemeris, Panchang, Household Tables, Ascendant Tables, and Tables of Horary Numbers, etc., are not necessary to carry.
AstroSage Kundli is the only app with as many features related to Indian, Vedic, and Hindu astrology as this one.
Keep in mind that the AstroSage Kundli App needs a live Internet connection.