पेट में गैस की समस्या एक आम समस्या है जिसे घरेलू उपायों

पेट में गैस की समस्या एक आम समस्या है जिसे घरेलू उपायों से काफी हद तक नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है। यहां कुछ प्रभावी घरेलू उपाय दिए गए हैं जो गैस की समस्या को कम करने में मदद कर सकते हैं: 1. अदरक 2. अजवाइन 3. पुदीना 4. दही 5. हींग 6. जीरा 7. नींबू … Read more

☀હીટ સ્ટ્રોકથી બચવાના ઉપાય😞ગુજરાતમાં ગરમી, heat and humidity in Gujarat tips

☀હીટ સ્ટ્રોકથી બચવાના ઉપાય To avoid heat and humidity in Gujarat, it is necessary to pay attention to the following measures and precautions. The heatwave (loo) during the summer season in Gujarat usually lasts from May to June, and the weather is extremely hot and dry during this time. 10. Cooling Measures at Home: 11. … Read more

Gujarat Sarakari Yojna List -Document List PDF

Gujarat Sarakari Hello friends, how are you? Today I have brought a list of government certificates for you. Here in the website, the information is given in the area. You can see the list of all the documents availing the benefits of various government schemes. Link to download information and list in Gujarati in one … Read more

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ફોટા ને ટચ કરો એટલે ઝૂમ થશે It is very important to follow the following guidelines to stay healthy during a heat wave: Also read  શુ તમારા બાળકો ફોનનો વધુ ઉપયોગ કરે છે. તો આ માહિતી તમારા માટે ઉપયોગી બનશે Important link Health tips : Click here Additional Tips for High Humidity By integrating these tips with … Read more

Watch Patan Rani Ki Vav 360 degree view video from here

Patan Rani Ki Vav 360 Degree: Patan Rani Ki Vav 360 Degree Video: Rani Ki Vav (Queen’s Vav) is an amazing example of a Royal Stepwell near Patan, Gujarat, built between 1022-1063 AD. Hello friend, how are you, today I have brought information about the tree for you. You must have heard the name of … Read more


Maths Games For Kids, Learn To Add ➕, Subtract ➖, Multiplication ✖️, Division ➗ MATHS GUJARATI Want to improve your kid’s maths skills? ❓ How about helping your kids master mathematics with fun, free maths games? ✔️ Maths Games is the perfect way to help children learn maths tricks & skills the easy way! 👍 … Read more

sore throat effective Ayurvedic remedies

Ayurvedic remedies   In the event that you have a sore in a throat, take on these successful Ayurveda in a cures Take to a 15-20 ml of the mango squeeze two times to a day with to a teaspoon of the honey. Inconveniences like to a sensitive throat with in the evolving seasons. Sore … Read more

Drink warm water, not cold, will have 14 benefits

It is said that water is life and anyway it is reality. Don’t bother making sense of the fact that it is so critical to hydrate to live. From specialist to dietician, drinking 7 to 8 glasses of water a day is fitting. Where many individuals hydrate, some really like to hydrate. It is accepted … Read more

Age Calculator

Age Calculator : People often ask “how old are you?” and it takes us some amount of mental calculation to reach out to the definite answer. This age app helps in calculating the exact age. All you have to do is enter the accurate date of birth and the result will depict the exact age, next … Read more