
Why is neem blossom juice consumed only in the month of Chaitra? Know what is the cause || Benefits of drinking neem flower juice

Why is neem blossom juice consumed only in the month of Chaitra? Know what is the cause || Benefits of drinking neem flower juice


Why is neem blossom juice consumed only in the month of Chaitra? Find out what is the reason


In the first week of the month of Chaitra, mixing 8-10 leaves of neem, a handful of flowers, two black peppers, asafoetida, sindhav, cumin and ajmo and drinking its juice will keep you healthy throughout the year. The tiny flowers of the neem tree i.e. the blossoms and the green leaves of the neem tree are also considered as panacea.


Drinking neem flower juice in the month of Chaitra is of special importance. Some people drink the juice of neem flowers and some people also drink the juice of tender neem leaves. As mentioned in Ayurveda, drinking neem flower juice in the month of Chaitra has many benefits.

Chewing neem daily improves teeth and digestion by drinking bitter juice

In earlier times, people used neem twigs for teething. It stops tooth decay, bad breath and bleeding gums. Consuming neem sprigs daily can stop dental problems before they occur. If the bitter juice of neem enters the stomach, digestion also improves. The effect of this is to protect against acne, pimples and boils seen in summer.

How to make neem juice

In the first week of the month of Chaitra, mixing 8-10 leaves of neem, a handful of flowers, two black peppers, asafoetida, sindhav, cumin and ajmo and drinking its juice will keep you healthy throughout the year. The tiny flowers of the neem tree i.e. the blossoms and the green leaves of the neem tree are also considered as panacea.

Health expert Dr. Speaking to Renukaben Siddhapura, he said that neem is cooling, mild, bitter, pungent and nutritious. Also cures worms, vomiting, fever, rakta dosha, kapha-pitta, inflammation and gas. Neem juice is bitter and soothes Kapha and Pitta. If you want to avoid the dosha of Kapha-Pitta and Vayu throughout the year, you should extract and drink the juice of the flower for eight days in the month of Chaitra.

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While this juice is bitter, it is balanced with spices like ajmo, sindhav, cumin and black pepper. In malaria, when quinine is ineffective, neem bark powder or neem leaf juice, sindhav and black pepper are usually used. It also gives good results in recovery after fever.

This neem is good for skin, beneficial for bile and antifever

Kapha and pitta disorders are considered the cause of skin diseases. Neem is considered a wonderful medicine for the skin as it cleanses both these doshas. Chemicals like nimbin, nimbinin and nimbidin present in neem kill viruses and fungi. Also relieves problems like acne, eczema, skin irritation. If there are worms in the stomach, they are removed by drinking the juice of neem leaves.

If you do not drink neem juice, you can get relief by crushing neem leaves and eating them with pinch of asafoetida. If there is fever due to bile and inflammation in the body, extract the juice of neem leaves and lather it very much. If the bile has increased, drinking the juice of neem leaves causes vomiting and expels the bile. Taking a pinch of sugar in the juice of neem leaves and drinking it for 8-10 days removes excess heat from the body.


Consuming lemon and neem flowers –

A combination of lemon and neem flowers can also be effective in reducing excess body fat. Grind neem blossoms for it. Now add few drops of lemon juice to it. After that consume it in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. This can reduce your body weight.

: Bitter Neem is an Ayurvedic medicine that has many health benefits. Neem is extremely beneficial for our body, skin and hair. Its bitter taste is unpleasant to many people so they cannot eat it even if they want to. But if its juice is made and consumed, it will benefit you beyond your imagination.

Know the benefits of Gunkari neem juice.. Benefits of drinking neem juice – 1. Neem has anti-inflammatory properties. Neem extract is very good for getting rid of acne. This CY neem juice is also effective in discolouring the body. . Drinking neem leaf juice and honey in the ratio of 2:1 is beneficial in jaundice and instillation in the ear is also beneficial in ear disorders. Drinking neem juice removes impurities from the body. This improves hair quality, skin elasticity and digestion.

Apart from this, neem juice is beneficial for diabetic patients. If you drink neem juice daily, your blood sugar level will be perfectly under control. Applying two drops of neem juice in the eyes improves eyesight. If there are traces of chicken pox on the body, massage with neem juice to clean it. Apart from this, skin diseases like eczema and small pox are also removed by drinking this juice. Neem is a rux-relieving herb. It reduces or destroys bad cholesterol. Consuming neem for 10 days in a month can cure heart attack.


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